Finally it happened- Disciples 3 has become available to everyone! An open beta test began, having tested which, we publish this review. What the developers managed to do in five years, what they did well and what is bad? And what, in the end, they still have to do?Sunny Wins Casino review
Here, a respected reader will be able to declare: “Author, you smoked swamp grass, sniffed the“ pretext ”dust or injected the earthly“ Gerych ”for himself? The game has already come out, there is no beta version!»But I assure you, everything is in order with me, and I said about testing for a reason.
Yes, indeed, the discs are already on the shelves, and the classic inscription “500 rubles” is visible on the boxes. But believe me, this is not a release. Because it does not happen that the finished version throws it at the desktop Each ten to fifteen minutes;It is impossible for it to have such a balance that even at an average level of difficulty to pass the first missions was almost unrealistic. A project may not be published in our universe, in which there are more errors than in the third “Corsair” and “pure sky” combined.
IN Disciples 3 There is absolutely no balance, fighting it is now too difficult, then easily easy. And at the same time, half of the skills and spells do not work, the parameters of the characters are confused and incorrect, some areas of the campaign are almost impassable. That is why I welcome you to a beta version of the beta (although, of course, it reminds Alpha more).
But the reader may again have the question: “If we are not a release version, then when the game will be released, and why we should test it for our own money?»And this, dear ladies and gentlemen, is very simple. Look at the release date Disciples 3 abroad. When the release? Oh, already a year later. So we will debug the project, and then Akella Send it to the world market. After all, such bugs will not fail in the West, and we are cattle, we can experiment on us.
She changed traditions
But let’s not talk about sad. Still someday Disciples 3 really just justify the inscription “v1.04 “in the main menu – and we will get a finished product. In the meantime, we will analyze what is in front of us for the game.
If you remember the old woman Disciples 2, then. Then it’s better for you to forget her. The new part of the series is more like a mixture “Heroes” and “legends about the knight”. Before us is a step -by -step strategy with a global card and tactical battles. Unlike previous brand projects, in this battle, dynamic, not static. That is, characters can move around the field, bypass the enemy from different sides, use “points of power”. They are the innovation of the third part, before in no other strategy there was no such. Moreover, there are three types of all these “places of concentration”: for close combat, for distant and for magic. And if the character occupies such a point, then his power of attack (treatment) increases.
If you played in “Heroes”, then remember that the only difference there is one field of battle and another is the presence of objects that block the passage. In the middle of the meadow, boulders that have to run away may lie, impassable lava flows in the territories of Inferno. Somewhere there is only a bridge at all (remember the battles on the ships?). All this only somehow diversified the battles. And if you had one worthy of tactics, then you used it on any map. No matter what in the middle of her it lay.
IN Disciples 3 Everything is much more interesting. Each time, even if the enemy attacks you in the same place, the points of concentration change their position (mopes, however, are present). Their number, by the way, is also always varied.
Imagine the situation. We will be attacked by an elf who has two archers, one rider and novice. We fight three swordsmen and magicians. On the field there is one point for long-range battle (somewhere in the middle) and one for the neighbor, and it is located near our troops. What does the enemy do? Of course, he wants to strengthen the archer, and therefore he is trying to break through the cavalry to the treasured hexagon for the shooters, so as not to let us barricade him. We immediately put one soldier on our “concentration”, and the rest run to interfere with the strengthening of an eared archer. Here is the battle and will take place near these “stones”.
Andrey Ivanchenko (Anry) – one of the most famous gaming artists, as well as a company worker .Dat. When we learned that it would be engaged in the appearance Disciples 3, then they immediately realized that it was doomed to become beautiful. Otherwise, it just can’t be.
However Disciples 3 – This is only one of the projects Andrey. He also draws illustrations for books. You could see his work on the covers of the “labyrinth of reflections” and “Night Watch” Sergei Lukyaneko or “We live here” Henry Lyona Oldi And many, many others. And he is also responsible for creating magnificent art for “Corsarers”. In general, everything that the Anry hand touches becomes stylish and extremely beautiful. AND Disciples 3 No exception.
Now imagine that there are no points for shooters, but for warriors – there are two of them. How will the duel take place? Completely different. And such diversity (thanks to only different cards) – good. In other games of the genre there is nothing like that. And developers from .Dat Well done, what did it come up with. Moreover, this is not their only innovation, there are others. Just less significant.
The dark side of skills
I also want to praise the developers for being able to pump the hero really fascinating. We have a real tree of skills, and we ourselves “move” in the direction that seems to us the most interesting. For example, you want your hero to turn enemies into peasants, and then straighten out without any problems – rock the right branch. And if you are drawn to revive the fallen fighters, then turn to the left.
This approach will delight the heart of any rosemen. However, there is a problem. Almost all skills are damn unbalanced. Here we mentioned the transformations into a peasant. Now imagine how huge health trolls are attacked by you ten times more than a hero. Introduced? Now take three such ogres – there must be very, Very scary. However, in just three strokes you forever Turn this frightening army into a group of peasants. You will kill them in a minute and will not lose even one hit! The balance does not just crack at the seams, it crawled, and the program code fell out of it.
Moreover, not only the hero has such extremely outstanding skills. Demons turn enemies into succubi, for example. In the end, playing is simply uninteresting. You rush like an icebreaker “Lenin”, not paying attention to what kind of enemies are ahead, how many of them, what level.
In the current state Disciples 3 Rather, they resemble a sort of introductory version. You can see what engine is, how the characters go here, what is generally. Because with such a balance I want to take a disk, split it into twenty parts, set fire, melt, set fire again, write a swallowed plastic of a swearing word of three letters and a point. Yes, yes, this is the word. Word .Dat.
Where did the strategy be?
Tactically the battle so far is only potentially interesting. They are latently good. Perhaps they will once turn into candy, but so far it remains only to drip tears on the floor and be sad about the fact that in five years it was not possible to debug the game.
But let’s look at the global card. Maybe there we will find something interesting. After all, in the same “Heroes” Many people put a quick battle and have fun that they capture mines, they are about and examined. What did you cook for us Disciples 3?
Static battles – the main feature of the series Disciples. In the previous series, absolutely all the characters stood still and beat each other at a distance. The find is completely original, and it gave a charm in many ways to the project. Therefore, many were angry at .Dat because they broke the old system and introduced the usual.
However, this was done for the good – the static battle, although interesting, is quite simple and it is very difficult to give it tactical depths. That is why in the second part of Disciples there were very simple victory methods that were repeated throughout the game. So don’t grieve, just hope that .Dat will bring a new battle system to a logical conclusion. Potentially – she is one of the best in the genre.
If you remember, there were no mines as such in the previous parts. But we could put the wands that “enslaved” the territory. It was also quite funny (although sometimes dreary). But in the third series, we no longer show ingenuity and simply seize the land where it pleases – we cannot. Now for “dominance” there are special places. Just approach the point, and everything around begins to accept the “color” of our race.
Is it fun? Frankly, not at all. And as in “Heroes”, we will not let us run on the card. There is nothing to explore here, you just need to go through missions (they are acts), and this is more reminiscent of the “Legend of the Knight”. With one but: there are no dialogs, role -playing, global interesting plot.
And yes, if you used to love to cut on the network or fight a computer on single cards, then wait for the toy when the toy comes out of this beta test. For now in Disciples 3 There is Only a campaign. There is nothing more. And hence a huge number of problems. For example, there are very simple missions – we run along a narrow corridor of paths from one plot event to another. But before us is a strategy where we need think, And we just rush forward. This is strongly shifting.
Minor heroes are also useless. We will not use the new thief that has changed a lot from the time of the second part. We will not find out what is the difference between the magician and the warrior. All this will pass by us, because in the campaign there is the main character, which we are developing from act to act.
But how could the game refresh the game! I’m silent about multiplayer, but, frankly, I don’t regret it. With the current imbalance and constant flights, fighting with a living enemy would still not be normal, but to suffer AI – it would be great. But, alas.
So a reasonable question arises – is it worth it to turn to creation at all .Dat attention? To be honest – worth. But not now. I had no way out – I have to write a review, and therefore received on the day of the release Disciples 3 and set about passing (to version 1.04 She was so amusing that I had to restart it 100-150 per day). And now I understand: I have lost a lot. Here, correct the developers of the bugs, make them normal balance and release the addition, then the project .Dat He conquered me. And now I don’t even know if I can return to him for the second time. The impression is thoroughly ruined. For I joined the most sama-sama unstable and errors of the game in my life. I did not see anything worse.
As for the assessment, we put it “commendably” with some reservations. Assessment Disciples 3 will justify only when he copes with all programmatic errors.
Pros: interesting innovations;Beautiful style.
Cons: bugs;imbalance;again bugs;more bugs;Dysbalance.
Disciples 3: Renaissance
The best comments
Eh, I still hoped more for a crushing article, and not just a negative. I agree with the author that this one, with permission to say "product" It is entirely of bugs and imbalance, but I categorically disagree with the fact that patches and fixes, within a year or more, will be able to stretch out Disciples III from the swamp into which they were driven .Dat and Akella. After all, the point is not only in programmatic errors. How to remake an existing primitive plot? Terrible game design of saga cards? The state of affairs cannot be corrected by any addons, patches and shamanic sorceresses! It’s easier to start creating a fourth part. Claims for visualization: first of all, the design of almost all units, as well as capitals terribly disappointedly disappointed. Andrey (anri) the artist of course talented, but he was carried away to the wrong steppe. Completely redrawing the visual style, he achieved only one thing – he killed the atmosphere of past parts. It is especially bitter to look at the demons that groomed, lost leathery wings and in general it is not more like that of the Aztsky meanness of their inherent predecessors ((models of the main castles also cannot withstand critics: where is the Ifernicity of the buildings of demons? (Damn, some kind of flying Crendel!) the medieval spirit of the empire? The tower of people’s magic flies above the ground and is surrounded by some sparkles, some other buildings are also surrounded by some kind of luminous aura. Maybe in some Kings Bounty this would be in place, but not in the disks, the main feature of which was always a gloomy-realistic style. Especially amazing how cheaply cheaply look like a special effects: an antediluvian form of water;And magic is primitive and the same type both on the global map and in battle. (by God in Disciples II, magic is 1000 times more beautiful) Yes, by the way, fight! Heroes, Disciples hybrid and some other Japanese shniagi (Jrpg) was not viable. He did not inherit the drive of heroes here, and the tactical techniques of the second ancestor completely rejected ((Come on the fight, you look at the global card – this is just a song! All sorts of bonuses-shomonus ala heroes5 can still endure, but as order you to come to terms with the fact that we are still leading us through a closed labyrinth of trees and rocks? Really, stupidly go forward along the road, occasionally go to the side of the road to take !Bonus! And fight with the opponents. Why is it done just like that? Really .Dat was so afraid that the player would miss the desired trigger and therefore limited his freedom of movement? I don’t know, DII cards were completely complete without it. Walking was allowed on all four sides, in any order, even through forest thickets, which only delayed the advance of the detachment, and not blocked the path with a monolithic wall. It was somehow spacious and it felt that you were playing precisely in the strategy, and not in a screenshoped monorail makhach. Next, voice acting characters. Briefly and clearly: – sucks full. Demons urgently need to recall Latin, elves – elven, and people would have a number of people to decorate a couple of spells. Well, to the heap – a miserable interface that has lost in functionality and is too overloaded with unnecessary details. Animation is not enough, I remember in Disciples II the cursor was completely animated: sand clock (when passing the course), spells cursor, entrance to the city. Tell me a trifle? But it is precisely small details that the real masterpiece is valuable. In general, to my great regret, no medicine and traditional medicine are unable to return to life a stillborn Disciples III. You need to redo most of the game, t.To. in the form in which she appeared before us the point of paying for her, I do not see. Zapvobta .DAT should change the name with Disciples III: Renaissance (Renaissance) on Disciples: Requiem (Panichid), T.To. It is it that corresponds to the state of things taking place with the Disciples series. The third part of the Disa is not a revival of the series, but a direct path to the grave of your beloved Title!
Well, I will say my opinion about this game. Actually, it appeared with me only this fall, respectively, I immediately downloaded the patch, so the bugs about which everyone screams here did not find me. As a result, you can summarize the following: there is a Gothic atmosphere (!), although it is not as thick as in the previous part. It is painted perfectly, the sound is pleasing, the plot is beyond praise (I don’t know who writes the texts for the game, but this is a very talented person, I would love to read his books, if any) of the minuses: depresses a large number of battles, although if I consider that I play the hours in a race, it would be strange if it didn’t bother me. A little strains that the hero’s movements are reduced after the battle. There is some imbalance, but it does not bother me, but to whom how. And that’s all? Yes, and all this is already enough tomato, this is Russia and we always have everything kosoboko, then they will be released without completing, then PR will fail for a good game, the mentality that would be it.
Played the second, the heroes then did not even stand nearby (I’m about 3). Well, yes, there are bugs, and there are a lot of them, but they will (I hope) and correct them, they will release a couple of dozen patches. I agree with the assessment
I agree with the assessment, the game does not have enough lipstick, but this quickly runs hotfixes for a little every day, but as they say the sediment remains.
I will wait for a global release, because I have no obligations and I really want to play a stable version. The review is good, hold on Flavius for the second time it will conquer you.
The game is very promising and beautiful. But in the current form, it is really not able to reveal 10% of its potential.
Such a seniority*on the Nevilid for a long time, I can’t understand people who were rushed to make strategies like Cossacks? Where the crowd is really B1K-2K a person runs to Darling such a crowd?
To: [Strong] kostian -65215 [/Strong] And the type of kozaki – what, an example of a perfect strategy? [quote] where the crowd is really B1k-2k a person runs to Dariegu such a crowd?[/quote] You do not see the difference between RTS and TBS?
The review is excellent. I propose to rename it into a beta review – I liked the second Disciples version. Not that I expected from the third part. Interesting innovations + graphics + . Bugs 🙁 Fun with key points on the field, it would still look better at King’s Bounty. Now these fields of the battle from the hexagons are no longer interesting. The outfits removed static battles, but fantasies (or strength, money, desires (necessary to emphasize)) for no less interesting innovation in the battles were not enough. They would make the field not from the hexes, but from the octagons (octagons). Or would have finalized the battlefield as in ascent to the throne. Would add the opportunity to participate in the battles of several detachments. And so. And yet, what prevented the developers of the diversity of man from the second part and they replaced it with the usual incomprehensible. In general, there is a feeling that the game was forcibly translated from the category "With a highlight" In the category of pops. At the moment, nothing that can really be interested in, except for the name, I do not squeeze out [quote], I joined the very-sama-sama unstable and errors of the game in my life. I did not see anything worse. [/quote] and it turns out she is even more pledged by errors than puzzled "Clear sky" ?! Wow! O_O in general, a long -term construction is completed, but I really doubt it very much that "holes" The game will be able to close and paint over so that the game becomes a masterpiece.
To: Antohakz do not like not to pay attention and do not puzzle the look with your comment, but I do not like simulators, but I am not ara for the whole site that all the Sims "shit".(no offense) And in essence I am waiting for the normal version of +10 for the review and concrete respect from me for writing a review of "Bettu". _________________________________ Stopgame.Ru steers
I agree with the assessment. The boom is convincing to wait for patches) The truth was especially upset that they cut out single cards with a poorly company, I hope the mods correct the scrape error to: [Strong] 397 [/Strong] FTOPOK heretic! Stopgame Foreva, Ag Mast Dai) Game of Norms Aphewed by Bagams. And the author said that he set an assessment, he stated with some bitterings, clasping that the rods are corrected in the near future
To: [Strong] Specter +1000 [/Strong] I agree, but still as an optimist I hope for some kind of miracle, maybe for an addition, maybe a multiplayer and single miisii would add to a gigantic patch, and brought up all the shortcomings. Xs in general, time will tell)
The game is disappointed of the year . A boring dull gameplay . From the act to the act stupidly pass from point to point along narrow paths. To 4 acts, everything was waiting for when something interesting will begin, but there is no monotonous . There is no space to "move your brains". The idea with the keeper of the borders (empire) looks very stupid, that is, if the guide attacks the guardian and the fight in the arena begins, the guys are not a fight but laughter-there is my keeper alone, one cannot move, but there is only a stupid of 4-5 enemy units and this is called and this is called and this is called "Tactical battle"? Well, then with spells you can call on iron armor and the like, but this does not change the essence. In general, the game turned out to be pretty but superficial and shallow. Passage